Lesson One : 不要只會說"How are you?" "I'm fine, thank you."
節錄於 https://www.soeasyedu.com.tw/blog/article.aspx?msgno=100001
英文打招呼用語14 招!不要只會說"How are you?" "I'm fine, thank you."
分類:美語生活圈 日期:2016/07/11
A:Good morning! How are you?
B:I am fine, thank you! And you?
C:Fine, thank you!
假如今天你在國外上班,一早起床,整理出門,面對一堆 "你好嗎?"...
● 出門時,鄰居問 "How are you?"
● 公車司機問 "How's it going? "
● 到了公司,同事也是 "How's it going?" 、"How's everything? " ……
但,外國人一天到晚不會只跟你說 "How are you?" ,更不會期待只收到 "Fine, thank you." 的回應。這種 old school 的回答,只會讓你們的互動陷入窘境,外國人也會覺得 "That's it? No any special? ",外加滿頭問號??????????
除了 "How are you?",還有哪些詞代表「你好嗎?」的用詞呢?
●How do you do? (這種打招呼方式曾在英國紅透半邊天)
Jack: How do you do?
Jill: I am well Jack, and yourself? What's up?
A:Good morning! How are you?
B:I am fine, thank you! And you?
C:Fine, thank you!
假如今天你在國外上班,一早起床,整理出門,面對一堆 "你好嗎?"...
● 出門時,鄰居問 "How are you?"
● 公車司機問 "How's it going? "
● 到了公司,同事也是 "How's it going?" 、"How's everything? " ……
但,外國人一天到晚不會只跟你說 "How are you?" ,更不會期待只收到 "Fine, thank you." 的回應。這種 old school 的回答,只會讓你們的互動陷入窘境,外國人也會覺得 "That's it? No any special? ",外加滿頭問號??????????
除了 "How are you?",還有哪些詞代表「你好嗎?」的用詞呢?
●How do you do? (這種打招呼方式曾在英國紅透半邊天)
Jack: How do you do?
Jill: I am well Jack, and yourself? What's up?
●What's up? (道地美式口語的用法,現在美國人也常說)Jacky: Hey, man. What's up?
Hyde: Not much. (沒甚麼啦)/ What's up?
●Are you alright? (英國人最常用的問候語)
A: Are you alright?
B: Not too bad!(因為英國人比較保守低調,所以在回應上,不像美國人會直說 "Fine!"。不過在英國,老一輩的人不太用Not too bad,反而會紳士地說 "I'm very well. Thank you." )
●How's life (或 the world ) treating you? ( 這算是對較熟的朋友才會用的用法)
A: How's life treating you?
B: I get by. (中文有「馬馬虎虎啦」的意思。)
●What's new? (朋友之間的用法)
A: What's new?
B: Nothing much. I'm still the same. (就一樣阿~我還是我)
●How have you been? (適用於有一陣子沒見的朋友)
近來如何? 也可說成 "What have you been up to?"
A: How have you been?
B: Alive and kicking. (活蹦亂跳的啦)
除了上述「你好嗎」用語,再 BONUS 提供以下口語化的用法:
●How are things?
●What's going on?
●How's it going?
●How are you getting on?
●I hope everything's okay?
●How's tricks? (用於熟人間)
●What's cooking? (年輕人愛用)
至於回答方式,一樣來分享一下,除了 "Fine, thank you." 外的流行用語:
●Pretty good! (好極了)
外國人不太用 quietly,這太拘謹了,但他們蠻喜歡用 pretty 來加強語氣。而 good 這個字,還可以換成:
●Couldn't be better! (從來沒這麼好)
●Never better! (再好不過)
●Keeping fit. (一如往常)
●Alive and kicking. (好得很)
也可以用 So far so good. (目前一切都不錯) ,這句還可以替換成:
●Not bad.
●Not too bad.
●Right as rain.
●Can't complain.
●Mustn't grumble.
●I'm doing OK.
●On the mend. 在好轉中
另外,As usual. (跟平常一樣),等同於 so so 的意思,其他同義詞還有…
●Nothing special/new. 沒有什麼特別的
●Another day, another dime/dollar. 過一天算一天
●Just so-so. 馬馬虎虎
●I get by. 還過得去
●It could be worse. 不幸中之萬幸
●Fair to middling. 還可以
●Just hanging in there. 就醬子啦
●Nothing much. /Not much. /I'm still the same. 沒什麼特別新鮮的事
●Same shit, different day 一樣的步調在過生活
●Fair to middling. 還可以
●Same old crap. 老樣子
●Same old, same old. 老樣子
●Surviving! 還好好的活著!
●Not so good. 不是很好
●A bit under the weather. 有點不太好
●Not feeling so good. 我覺得不太好
●Very bad.
●A bit under the weather.
但當你聽到朋友回應 "Lousy" 或是 "Awful "時,先別急著說 It's a pity! 這種說法也蠻 old-fashioned。建議用 "That's too bad." 回應。